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27th Annual Albert Foundos Golf Classic
Palm Sunday - April 28th
December 17th - Christmas Pageant & Pancake Breakfast
St Nicholas Day Dinner with Bishop Nikodhim

Sunday, December 3th
(Following Liturgy in our Fellowship Hall)

Come and Help us Celebrate our St. Nicholas Feast Day with Bishop Nikodhim!

Fish Dinner: $35
Children under 12: Free Child’s Meal

We will also have our Raffle!!

Space is Limited. Tickets are being sold in advance atCoffee Hour on Sunday, November 19st and November 26th.  Deadline for reservations is Thursday November 30th

ALSO, Buy and Reserve Tickets by Calling or texting:
Agathia Luka 917-568-2106
Linda Foundos 516-637-8972
Christina Liolin 917-325-9138
Church Office (Adriana) 718-380-568

Sunday, November 3
10:00 Holy Liturgy
Sunday, November 10
10:00 Holy Liturgy

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