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Welcome to St. Nicholas Church

 We are a community of believers committed to a shared life, learning to love God, each other, and our whole world through the practice of our faith.

 The history of our parish is distinctive and begins with immigrants journeying to this land from Albania filled with enthusiasm and the hope to create a new life. From them we have been fortunate to inherit much. Our current community is a rich mix, a diversity of ethnicities and traditions and languages: Albanians and non-Albanians, young and old, many people from many places coming together to worship and seek God. Like our founders, we look toward the future with hope, and we invite you to come and be part of this.

 As Orthodox Christians, we trace the roots of our faith to Christ Himself, Who sent out His disciples into the whole world. They, these saints and holy preachers, taught in the land of our forefathers, and since that time we have sought to preserve the joyful good news they shared. As we proclaim at each service: Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be!  

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Sunday, February 23
10:00 Holy Liturgy
Sunday, March 2
10:00 Holy Liturgy

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